Men don’t typically talk about relationships in the first place, and we got to keep probing them to actually talk and tell us what they’re thinking. So what’s really going on at the back of their minds? Do they actually ever tell us what they are really thinking? And are men really as nice as they seem or do their thoughts break that nice image you had of them?
We got a few guys to admit what they’re REALLY thinking about, even when they’ve got doting smiles pasted on their faces.
Yes, you do look fat!
So the next time you ask your boyfriend/husband if you look fat and he says no, he’s only trying to save himself from the drama. The worst question you could ask a guy who doesn’t lie well is this, he’ll probably choke on his own spit.
“I hate it when my girlfriend asks me over and over again if she looks fat in this or that! One day I’ll get so tired of it all and actually tell her that she’s fat and none of the outfits are going to make her thinner!” – Andrew Mulli, 23, sound engineer
OMG! She looks like a drag queen
Always keep in mind that minimal make up works best when you’re going out with your boyfriend/husband or any guy for that matter. Guys like the natural look and just don’t get why you wear so much makeup when you don’t need it. They tend to think it’s too much effort for a job not well done. So you don’t really get his approval anyway!
“Too much make up on women is the biggest put off ever! I do not want to walk around with someone who looks like a hooker. The worst part is knowing you can’t say anything because it might hurt her feelings but I completely hate it.” – Dhruv Shah, 28, computer programmer
She’s taking two hours to dress and it’s not going to make a difference
It’s absolutely alright to take that long to get ready for your wedding or even your birthday, but guys just don’t get why you take so long to get dressed up, straighten your hair or curl it just to go to a coffee shop. We get it but they totally don’t.
“It’s very annoying when a girl takes forever to go to a place where she doesn’t even need to be dressy. I mean if she wants to look good she can, but it’s just going to annoy me that she’s taking too long and that every other guy is checking her out, so it’s not like I’ll even compliment her .’ – David Lobo, 22, gaming designer
Her friend is the biggest loser ever
That really close guy friend of yours who you think he likes hanging out with just happens to be someone who he thinks is the biggest looser ever! And he’s only nice to him because of you. He’d probably bully the guy if he didn’t know him. And that’s not all; he makes fun of him in front of his own friends (when you’re not around). Oh yeah, and he doesn’t like the fact you’re so close to him as well.
‘Honestly, I think my girlfriend’s friends are completely boring. Their idea of fun is staying out till 11pm and the worst part is that I have to mix with them most of the time, especially her best friend who thinks he knows her in and out and acts like he’s the most important thing in her life. He drives me crazy and I can’t stand him but I really can’t say anything to her.’ – Jessie Hertz, 22, dance instructor
Marriage? You mean I have to sleep with you for the rest of my life?
You might love weddings, but the minute you mention the M-word to him, this is what’s going on at the back of his mind! Men get scared of commitment, the thought of having sex with the same person for the rest of their lives them.
‘I get really freaked out when my girlfriend starts talking about marriage and weddings and kids. I don’t know what to say after that, because it’s really scary. Firstly, I’m not ready to get married and even though I love her, it just reminds me that all my freedom will be lost.’ Kishan Somwanshi, 22, MBA Student
‘Don’t call me a jerk but I really can’t imagine being tied town and sticking to the same person for the rest of my life. Whenever a girl I’m dating talks about marriage, I loose it completely in my head, sex with the same person can get extremely boring.’ – Neeraj Patel, 25, lighting designer
Go slow for a change, and be willing to try new things before I get bored and sleep with someone else
Men do love your wild side when you’re in bed, but they also love it when you go slow. Not trying new things in bed is a no-no. Openness to experimenting is crucial to them and doing the same thing every time bores them completely. Telling you they’re getting bored will probably shatter your ego so they just keep quite.
‘If a woman is not open to new things, it just gets really boring. And let’s face it; sex is important in a relationship, that’s why sex counselors exist. If the sex is boring, it dampens the relationship so I’d rather just move on to another woman.’ – Hemal Chopra, 29, assistant director
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